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Support for startups affected by coronavirus: 

The ultimate resource for Asia companies

Here are the curated information, links and resources to help you tide over the crisis.


***This is a living list: we’ll keep updating it as the situation develops. Thank you for your numerous contributions, and if we’re missing anything else, please let us know: elise.tanyeeling (at)



Thanks to Arnaud Bonzom for adding on to the useful resources above!



Grants & Loans

• Facebook – Small Business Grants Program
• Enterprise SG – Temporary Bridging Loan Program (max raised from S$1 million to S$5 million)
•Enterprise SG – Enterprise Financing Scheme (EFS)
 SME Working Capital Loan (max raised from S$600,000 to S$1 m)
• SME Fixed Assets Loan
• Venture Debt Loan
• Trade Loan (max raised from S$5 million to S$10 m)
• Project Loan
• Mergers & Acquisitions Loan

• Working capital for SME and Startups


Investment Support Schemes

Startup SG Equity

• This government and private co-investment scheme catalyses financing of tech startups with strong IP and global potential. READ MORE

SEEDS Capital
• SEEDS Capital manages co-investment funds under Startup SG Equity and co-invests in scalable innovative startups with strong IP. READ MORE

• A government-linked fund, EDBI invests in promising companies across diversified industries ranging from advanced manufacturing, consumer, emerging technologies, healthcare, ICT and logistics. READ MORE




Online Learning

• Learn about Business continuity measures in this course by Gnowbe and accredited by Temasek Polytechnic
• Aventis: 20% Discount for all “Live Streaming” Registration (register by 30th April) with promo code “SGUNITED”. View List of Live Streaming Courses

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